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MoDyCo - UMR 7114 CNRS

Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense


The production of the Research Center MoDyCo (UMR 7114), established since 2001as laboratory of CNRS, follows the thematic lines of the linguistic research that has been developed by Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense University over the past decades. Originally focussed on French linguistics, it is opened to the study of other languages. The thematic unity is characterized by a concern for empirical data which grounds linguistic analyses in robust descriptive bases that include the reality of usage variations, especially those concerning conversation, discourse, and text. This thematic and methodological consistency is supported by the utilization of diversified theories and deliberately  diversified approaches in the field of modelization. The specificity of the production of MoDyCo consists in taking part in the ongoing major theoretical debates on the basis of a solid basis in French linguistics supported by an empirical and descriptive concern. MoDyCo Research Center, headed by professor Jean-Luc Minel, features 60 members and 80 ongoing PhD. The laboratory is a member of the Institut de Linguistique Française (ILF, a CNRS-run federation). The laboratory maintains numerous collaborations with French research centers and universities (over 20 institutions on the national territory, plus 15 more abroad), is involved in 10 projects funded by the National Agency of French Research (ANR) collaborating with several majors companies (AFP, Xerox, Dassault-Exalead, AFNOR).

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